Thursday, July 29, 2010


Here is a picture of Yejin and me putting together all the elements of the invitations. We started by sealing the envelopes by licking them closed but then flashes of George Costanza and Susan came into my mind as the taste started to become no longer pleasantly acceptable. So, we went off to Staples and got an envelope sealer and then it became much easier and potentially less fatal.

Anyway, we got them all put together and have sent many of the invitations out. Perhaps you have received yours already!

We're really excited every day when Yejin's mother gives us a list of all those people who have RSVP'd. So please do so soon!


  1. Nice website! Don't pull a George and Susan on us. Sending our RSVP soon!

  2. My RSVP is in the mail! Can't wait!
