Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bio: Eric Libra

For two and a half years, Eric was my roommate at Boston College. The bond between roommates is a special one. I will always remember lying in bed after a late night out and Eric would come into the room after returning from class. Eric would say “good morning!” and I’d just laugh and say “oh, is it time to wake up now?”

Eric is married to Caroline, his freshman year sweetheart. He has his PhD in biochemistry or some other nerdy equivalent. Basically, Eric has the chemicals and the ability to make or destroy anything.

One of my favorite Eric stories actually doesn’t involve Eric at all. At least not the one that will be in my wedding party. I used to tell Eric that there was another guy at BC that looked a lot like him. We called him “Bizarro Eric”. Eric insisted that this guy didn’t exist. However, at graduation I was taking pictures with my family and my mother saw “Bizarro Eric” walking by with his family. My mom, thinking this was my roommate Eric, yelled “Eric! Eric! Come take a picture with Lynn.” I didn’t know what to do. He came running over and is looked at me like he was trying to place me. To this day, I don't know who he thought I was. Turns out, his name actually IS Eric. Anyway, we took this above graduation photo together. Strangest part was that after the picture, he asked me if I was planning on going to get some food with my family and that he hoped to see me in the cafeteria. He was a very nice guy. Perhaps the exact opposite of Eric Libra?

The second picture is a real picture of Eric Libra, my groomsman. I mean, they look pretty similar, don't they?

1 comment:

  1. The first few times I looked at that photo I knew there was a story, but I couldn't place it. So classic! If only he could be at the wedding too.
