Sunday, September 26, 2010


Steph and I have been friends since kindergarten. Beware of your food when you are with this girl. In fact, if she comes by while you're eating at the wedding be sure to shield her away from your plate. She has been known to take food without asking and she is not shy about taking your first or last bite. An example – a few years ago I sent Steph and Alexis two dozen delicious New York H&H bagels. They weren't living together so I sent them to Steph's house but addressed the card to both of them. A few weeks later I got a thank you card from Steph. Later that day I called Alexis to see how the bagels were and it turns out she had no knowledge the bagels had been sent at all. Steph had quietly eaten them all and sent a joint thank you note to cover her tracks.

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